Vice President Kashim Shetima, during a press conference in Kano after a condolence visit, announced that President Bola Tinubu plans to introduce a fresh approach to tackle the issues of banditry and killings in the North West within the next few weeks. The strategy will involve a combination of military and non-military measures to address the crises in the region.
Shetima elaborated that the problems in the area are linked to poverty and social exclusion, which President Tinubu aims to address by providing solutions. He further emphasized that President Tinubu is actively working on resolving the underlying causes of banditry and insurgency in the region, and a comprehensive solution will be unveiled in the near future.
“The president is determined to redefine the meaning and concept of modern governance.
“And the crises we have in the North West, further associated with poverty and social exclusion is something that the president is determined to confront.
“In the coming weeks he is coming up and is going to unveil the ‘Fulaku’ solution.
“Unless we want to engage in an endless war of attrition, there cannot be a military solution to the crises in the North West, there has to be a kinetic and non kinetic solution.
“President Bola Tinubu in the next couple of weeks will unveil the ‘Fulaku’ solution which will address the grievances and the social exclusion of our Fulani cousins in the North West.
“He was addressing the root causes of all the banditry and insurgency in the region” the vice president stated.